Sunday 23 December 2012

BEDID - Day 23 - Quick Update

Got a question or topic you want to see blogged in December? Email me or post it here.

Hey guys,

Sucks being so close to the holiday, but I got some unfortunate news this morning that my grandfather passed away. He had been diagnosed with a very rare form of Leukemia two years ago, and originally didn't have much time left after the diagnosis was given. Shortly afterwards, he was chosen to participate in a study testing a new chemo drug, and it worked, and he had been in remission up until about a two months ago. About two weeks ago, after a round of chemo, he had contracted pneumonia and ended up in the hospital. The last few weeks his condition fluctuated day-to-day (I had missed a few posts this month visiting him) till this morning when it finally got him. It's sad, but I had been preparing myself from the beginning (his original diagnosis only gave him a few weeks to live), and after seeing his condition in the hospital the last few weeks, I'm glad that his stay wasn't a long, drawn-out suffering. It's still not easy losing a grandparent, but I'll survive. R.I.P. Yeh Yeh

So, between supporting my family and visiting others for the holidays, I will try to get a few more BEDID posts done, although I can't guarantee anything. I definitely have more things to write and I'm really pumped to finish answering all your questions, so at te very least you'll hear from me in the New Year.

Hope you guys have a happy holiday!

- Matt


  1. So, you made it until the 23rd. Not too bad, but you certainly let a whole week slide by, then some.

  2. I'm sorry to read this about your granddad. I'm sure you've got better things to do than writing posts at this moment. Feeling guilty for breaking your BEDID promise would be ridiculious, and to me the comment on top of this is kind of rude given the circumstances. Bon courage buddy!
