Monday 7 May 2012

Shine the Machine

Here's a little something different for the car guys who may be reading my blog. It's my last week before I hit the books again, and since it was a nice day and winter's taken a nasty toll on my 2007 Mazda3, I decided to break out the detailing supplies and spruce her up. What do you think?

Here's some before shots:

Waxing and cleaning the wheels:

And the final product:

 It's like having a brand new car. :)


  1. Nice work man. I can't wait to get back home after finals and give my car a full detailing. There's something oddly therapeutic about it.

  2. Nice! But if you love doing that I know a very challenging car to do... mine lol. I have my car for four years now and only washed it twice... I do realise you would spank me now if I was close! ;-) Errr... I'll blame it on the bad weather, it's dirty again after one day on the highway. Decent explanation? ;-)
